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Saturday 4 April 2015

Do we really need another person to complete us?

Everyone is concern about my single status. Cant blame them, in the past I do go everywhere with my X & everyone is so used to seeing him when I'm around. Maybe they just need to get used to seeing me alone. Funny thing is , why do people immediately associate loneliness with single people?

Do we really need another person to complete us? I'm feeling just fine & enjoying myself. What's best is I do not have to compromise everything anymore. I can take all kinds of spicy food now. Before everything needs to be mild because he has a 'sensitive' stomach. Now I can load in tons of chilli & enjoy the fiery spicy food all I want! What a relief!

I can also watch all my favorite shows. Dr Oz, American sitcoms etc... I don't have to ever watch another cartoon ever! Ya... he loves cartoons, don't ask me...I don't understand either:(( Well it's a Saturday & I'm home feeling sick, so thought, I'll update my blog.

 Since we are on this subject, I'm enjoying my peace at home, it's so quiet. I'm sick, yet happy In the past he'll be like texting me for the tenth time by now to check on me !


  1. I stumble upon your blog checking for Vit C jabs.
    I find what you wrote above very interesting as it's pertaining to my own current situation as well.
    No I dont think we need the opposite sex to complete us. We can be single, independent & still can be happy.
    BUT the social norm is the thing that's bugging me! If you are single & young, you need to be dating, if not people think there's something wrong :((
    Friends kept asking when I'll 'replace" the X etc....
    I tell them, what ever will be, will be !

    1. Being single wont kill you, having someone who cheats on you- will eave you heart broken!

  2. Kudos to you !!!

  3. No one can complete us. If you think you need someone to do that, you are so wrong..... relationships base on something like this will eventually lead to disappointments !

  4. No thanks !!!
    I only need money

  5. I feel lose without my other half!

    1. Sorry babe- You are setup for doomsday then- anytime !
