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Saturday 27 December 2014

How to take better pictures: Simple Tricks

A friend got me  a brand new handphone this Christmas . Yes it's a Samsung replacing my IPhone 5G. Why? He said since I love taking pictures , for the bigger screen of course! Very touched & happy ! Talking about taking pictures, here's some tips from someone who loves using her hp just for that :))

1. Think Good or Funny Thoughts
You might go huh??? But it’s important- sometimes the best way to get a good expression is to realistically think about something pleasant: a special moment, your favorite song, a funny happening. Real thoughts of happiness help get a genuine smile or look and calm an otherwise forced facial expression.
2. Practice Posing
For people with thin lips, part them slightly and blow lightly to create the illusion of fuller ones. Don’t worry about your round face, all you need to do is avoid facing the camera straight on and instead turn the head slightly to one side. Practice with selfies, if you don't get it right the first time it's ok, just delete it until you get the right shot & angle. It might take many shots before you get the one you like, but it's very satisfying :))
3. Smile but you need to find Your Signature Smile
If you ever follow any celebrity closely, you’ll notice they almost always have the same smile & expression when posing for photos. Well, it’s because they’ve tons of experts to figure out what’s their best angle & what works for them.  Again take tons of selfies until you find a ‘signature’ smile that makes you look the best. Like they say practice makes perfect. Besides it’s fun doing it
4. For standing shots, just naturally put Your Hands On Your Hips
Your fingers should be out & palms facing behind you. Why? Because this way your waist is accentuated , creating the perception a slimmer you. It’s better than having your arms dangling awkwardly by your side right?
Go on have lots of fun taking many pictures this holiday season :)
Happy New year everyone !!!!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Are you a workaholic? Is it ruining your beauty sleep?

Do you think of sleeping all the time or are you like me, the kind that will “do one more thing “ before bed?

Sure, you may be doing something important while burning the midnight oil, but that may be at the expense of how you feel the next day. According to specialists, most of us require a minimum of 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night, so  sticking to a regular bedtime is beneficial.
Someone told me to have a to do list, yes write it all down in order of priority. You’ll be surprise to find important things just seems less important when you see them in order, on paper. And seriously do all those things need to be done by tonight? Most likely some of the things could be reschedule. E.g. do you really need to update your fb like tonight ??? Do it tomorrow at lunch ! Nobody is going to die just because they didn't see your latest pictures.Your body will appreciate the extra hour or two of sleep the choice grants you.
And as we all  know, we need enough rest to have good skin. Think of all the dark eye circles appearing after a night of "work"! Please take care of your self !

Friday 21 March 2014

How to clear your skin???

Need to clear your skin,  improve digestion or boost your energy? Keeping your liver healthy could be the key.

Our liver's main function is to naturally detox the body. It is our internal cleaner, which, given the right support, has the ability to keep the body clear of the junk which can cause illness. The liver is our second-largest organ (only the skin is bigger) and therefore one of the most important. If the body was an automobile, the liver would be its engine. It does hundreds of things to make sure it runs smoothly, playing a vital role in regulating fat and balancing our hormones, digestion and circulation.
The liver's main job is to get rid of foreign substances. Anything that enters the bloodstream is filtered through the liver to ensure that quality nutrients go to the organs, while any excess is removed.  From a Chinese medicine perspective, the liver controls the flow of qi (energy) through the body. "It also 'rules' the tendons and stores the blood which nourishes the eyes and nails. It also influences our digestion and menstruation."
Blocked liver
Indulging in alcohol or junk food may be fun at the time, but it will make your liver work extra hard. All the alcohol, processed foods and toxic chemical residue we're exposed to get caught in the liver. If we are exposed to too much junk, our liver starts to resemble a dirty, wet sponge that needs to be wrung out.
When the liver becomes congested it will not filter blood optimally. It can become blocked, fatty or bloated. It will then contribute to high cholesterol and lowered synthesis of nutrients and new cells, compromising your health. This is why many alcoholics have liver failure: the organ is never given time to regenerate.
Should you detox?
Many Dieticians don’t  encourage detox plans because the liver is always working to detoxify the body. You're better off improving eating habits to boost liver function instead of paying for gimmicky plans or following restrictive diets. We need to get back in touch with real food and ensure we understand what nutrients we need.
Detoxing is a natural bodily process that occurs every night when you sleep and each time you are sick. You need nothing to detox properly except yourself, fresh water, a place to rest peacefully and some silence. It’s better to keep your diet relatively low in fat, consuming five serves of vegetables and two serves of fruit per day and keeping alcohol to a minimum.
Liver helpers
While the key to a healthy liver is maintaining harmony and balance,  there are some foods and supplements that will help the liver do its work better.
Ginger, most dark green leafy vegetables, beetroot and mint will all help the free flow of our qi. The most common traditional Chinese medicine herbal formula for liver ailments is called xiao yao san, and can be made by a qualified practitioner or bought in pill form."
Liver cleansers
Carrots: High in beta-carotene, they help regulate blood-sugar levels, while reducing inflammation in the body and are a good energy food.
Milk thistle: Contains an antioxidant that acts as a toxin blocker. Capsules can be taken daily for an extended period to repair the liver.
Black walnuts: Help to eliminate toxins. Can be taken in powder or capsule form, for 30 days, after which you should give it a rest.
Lemons: Cleanse not only the liver, but also the gallbladder, kidneys, digestive tract and lungs.
Garlic: Helps strengthen and cleanse the blood, while giving the liver and kidneys a spring clean.
Dandelion tea: Dandelion has been used for centuries. It is a blood purifier and antioxidant and is recommended for those with liver complaints.
Beetroot juice: Contains a chemical called betaine that stimulates the liver cells and protects the liver and bile ducts.
Get plenty of sleep: Also have infrared saunas, indulge in lymphatic massages and drink lots of filtered water.