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Saturday, 17 October 2015

People,there is more to life than dating !

I kept telling everyone that, as 'well-meaning ' friends are endlessly trying to "fix" me up with some "GREAT GUY". It's getting VERY tiring.

For once I could get up late during the weekends & do practically nothing. Then I gather my parents & we go tim sum. Seriously, my parents are enjoying my 'single status'. They get to see me more. And we get to go to all the "IT" Tim Sum places in town.

I even have time to email some friends who had allocated abroad, check their facebook entries etc... Then there's reading, finally..... I could finish a couple of really good books. I never have time to read when I was dating- no time for myself!

My BFF suggest I get a cat She send me this pic :))

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Do we really need another person to complete us?

Everyone is concern about my single status. Cant blame them, in the past I do go everywhere with my X & everyone is so used to seeing him when I'm around. Maybe they just need to get used to seeing me alone. Funny thing is , why do people immediately associate loneliness with single people?

Do we really need another person to complete us? I'm feeling just fine & enjoying myself. What's best is I do not have to compromise everything anymore. I can take all kinds of spicy food now. Before everything needs to be mild because he has a 'sensitive' stomach. Now I can load in tons of chilli & enjoy the fiery spicy food all I want! What a relief!

I can also watch all my favorite shows. Dr Oz, American sitcoms etc... I don't have to ever watch another cartoon ever! Ya... he loves cartoons, don't ask me...I don't understand either:(( Well it's a Saturday & I'm home feeling sick, so thought, I'll update my blog.

 Since we are on this subject, I'm enjoying my peace at home, it's so quiet. I'm sick, yet happy In the past he'll be like texting me for the tenth time by now to check on me !

Monday, 26 January 2015

Single ladies

After my break-up, my other single friends welcome me to their club as a temporary member Those who were without a bf for the longest time laughed so hard & told me to get a new bf asap. But I think I'll wait. It is just so much fun now. I can go out with who ever I want.

These single ladies were complaining about other well meaning friends & relatives & the weirdest & annoying things they do say. Here are some funny ones I like to share:
Things single ladies are tired of hearing !
1. “How are you still single? You’re so great.”
2. “It’ll happen when you least expect it.”
3. “Don’t you ever get lonely?”
4. “One day when you’re married, you’ll wish you were single.”
5. “There are plenty of fish in the sea.”
6. “You’re just too picky.”
7. “You should let me set you up, I know the perfect person for you.”
8. “ Sooner or later , it’ll happen.”
9. “So, are you seeing anyone?”

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Review: Whitening Jabs / Skin Boosters with Dr Keith Ong

Have been thinking of doing the whitening jab aka Skin Boosters. Some clients have been telling me about this & they seriously swear by it. It fixes everything- from whitening to tiny wrinkles & lines! I've done the whitening Vitamin C jabs in the past, that fixes & whitens the whole body. But you need to do that consistently, & I was getting lazy, haha. So when this new whitening jab comes out, I'm very pleased & excited.

Check with a couple of friends & they told me this Whitening Jab /Skin Boosters , it's all the rage in Korea now. Went to the Restylane web site & found out that it had won some kind of High Design Quality award in 2014. Very impressive !!! Apparently it helps the skin from inside out through a series of micro-injections of Restylane, a soft gel-like substance that absorbs water & provides deep skin hydration creating firmness, elasticity & smoothness. Eliminating fine lines & brightening the skin.

After some online research, I thought I'll give myself a Christmas treat, went to Dr Keith & requested for this Whitening jab/ Skin Booster treatment. Well this is probably the best thing I've done for myself. One month later the result is lovely. The much talked about radiant dewy look is beautiful. I'm pretty please & satisfy ...LOL... Best part is, I found out I could go without make-up if I wanted to. It's that GREAT !

The procedure is simple. The nurse apply a film of numbing cream on my face for about 10 mins. After that Dr Keith start the procedure which lasted only for about  another 10 mins. Dr Keith is pretty skillful, he could do it very fast which really helps. For those of you who are scare of pain, don't worry. With the numbing cream, you'll only feel a slight discomfort, which is totally bearable.  

They also apply mask for me after the treatment, which was nice and cooling, feels good :)) I had some bruising which was expected, but no swelling- great! Next day I could put on some make-up & go to work as usual, so no big deal. Within a week,everything is back to normal but my face seems slimmer , yes I'm serious, it's probably due to the rejuvenated toned look. The skin soft, fairer & yes dewy, Lovely !!! I also realized those tiny lines that I used to have here & there were gone too! Wonderful !!!

If you want to look better, Go for it. Oh in case you are interested it's $1800 for 3 treatments. One treatment is $850- for those who just want to check it out. 

Dr Keith Ong @ 360 Orchard, International Building,
# 04-10
H/P:  8777-0736
Open from:
 Monday & Friday    : 10am-1pm & 3pm-8pm
Tuesday &Wednesday  : 3pm to 8pm
Saturday: 10am -1pm
Sun & PH close.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Being Single again is liberating :)

Cant believe it's 2015 already. 2014 was a challenging year for me. I join a new industry, got a new job. Settling in was not easy. But good news is, now I'm fine & doing GREAT.

On the relationship front, I wasn't doing too well either. We drifted apart, as I was working too much & "have no time " for him. Rather I was too tired to join him in his usual activities , he got pissed & that's it. Rather childish I would say. He don't read my blog but his friends does, so no details here ...haha...

Being single again is odd but liberating, I need some adjustments. But I'm liking it. I do what ever I want. I can wear mini skirts, body hugging clothes - which was forbidden when I was dating! I buy anything now, don't need to "seek" approval" - totally annoying. Don't need to compromise. I should have said good bye a long time ago :))